Advent calendar 2023
Fürth Music School
December 21, 2023
Every evening, promptly at 6 p.m. in December, the front door of the music school opens and people, sometimes big and sometimes small, come out with a variety of musical instruments to delight the walkers in the park with pre-Christmas music.
The diversity of the music school ensembles ensures variety and surprises day after day.
14. Dezember 2023

Under the title “Magnets, spins and resonances – how did Santa Claus get in and out of the magnetic resonance tomograph?”, at this year’s Christmas lecture in the Physics Department, the audience was taken on a journey of discovery into the human mind by an interdisciplinary working group made up of researchers from the University Hospital and the Physics Department Body taken. They learned how spins of hydrogen atoms can be asked to perform synchronous dances using strong magnetic fields and then, as if by magic, caused by resonance to sing together - which, when detected and transformed, generates the most beautiful images.
Cello class audition
Fürth Music School
Headed by Anna Skladannaya
November 26, 2023

"Remembering for the future"
University Mozarteum Salzburg November 19, 2023
Since 2015, the IGNM Salzburg has organized musical commemorations with contemporary Salzburg music every two years in November together with the Israelite Community in the synagogue on Lasserstrasse under the motto “Remembering for the Future”.
“Remembering for the Future” is about making visible a long, deep and indispensable spiritual and cultural tradition. But also about the suffering suffered as well as about the willingness to forgive and reconciliation, but also about a reminder to wake upmindfulness and responsibility for a better future.
However, in this autumn of 2023 (or 5784 according to the Jewish calendar), which was so terrible and drastic for the Jewish community - in Salzburg and around the world, but especially in Israel - the IGNM had to change the venue for security reasons.
Works by Anna Skladannaya, Shane Woodborne, Johannes Krall, Klemens Vereno, Werner Raditschnig and Stefan David Hummel were performed at this concert.

The following artists appeared as participants:
Fernando Araujo, baritone
Fausto Quintaba, piano
Anna Skladannaya, cello
Werner Raditschnig, acoustic guitar
Stefan David Hummel, viola
Jen Retulla, baritone
Ensemble Quadrophony
Georg Winkler, clarinet
Karl Müller, clarinet
Gerti Eisl-Hollweger, bassoon
Hubert Kellerer, accordion
Beethoven: Mass in C major
St. Paul in Fürth on November 12th, 2023
The Chamber Symphony op. 110a, performed on November 12th, 2023 in St. Paul, is a version of his 8th String Quartet in C minor op. 110 by Rudolf Barschai, authorized by Shostakovich for string orchestra, arranged by Lucas Drew.
The quartet and symphony bear the illustrious subtitle "In memory of the victims of fascism and war". However, it does not appear in the original manuscript and it is believed that it was added upon publication under pressure from the government in Moscow.
Shostakovich's initials are the first - and also recurring within the piece - notes D-(E)S-C-H. They are a “signature” and perhaps much more than that: an expression of self-assurance and an invocation of self-efficacy, in the midst of the authoritarian environment of the Stalin era.

However, the background to the creation of the Mass in C major by Ludwig van Beethoven is completely different: Prince Nicholas II of Esterhazy commissioned it as a name day gift for his wife Maria. Until then, the prince had always commissioned Joseph Haydn for such occasions and therefore had his music in his ears, which he also expected now.
However, Haydn declined the commission for reasons of age and so his student Beethoven had the honor of writing the piece in 1807. However, he consciously decided to break with some traditions and treat the text in a new and different way than was usual up to that point. And so it happened that Prince Esterhazy passed a devastating verdict after the performance.

Reading at the Jewish Museum Franconia in Fürth on November 5th, 2023
"Donia Rosen describes in her autobiography her escape between the ages of 11 and 15. She has an irrepressible will to live. “I want to live!” Thank God that she always finds women who give her food, who give her hide. One woman in particular, Olena, risks her life for them.
Donia had become a victim of the Nazis' anti-Semitic racial madness. Neighbors persecuted and betrayed her - just because she was Jewish. But she always managed to escape. She found shelter in the forest. He gave her security. She soon knew how to move in the forest and interpret its sounds. So he became a friend and protected her from the human predators who greedily hunted her. The advance of the Red Army meant liberation for her and opened the way to Palestine to a new homeland - without persecution, without hiding." (Mabase Publishing)